
Go Live
Assisted Visits

Go Live Assisted Visits are aimed at young people aged 15-24, who have never been to the theatre before without a parent and require a more supportive and welcoming environment in order to make the most of their first independent visit to the West End!

How assisted visits work

  • Prior to the visit, there will be an online Q&A for parents and young people to ask questions
  • Supporting material/resources will be sent out to parents/carers, as well as to the young people themselves, with information on how to get to the theatre, what to expect, what to wear etc.
  • One adult volunteer will be present for every five young people to ensure they are well supported.
  • Met at the closest station and taken to the theatre and back again after the show.

We recently took 24 young people to see The Wizard of Oz at the iconic London Palladium and some of the feedback we received was:

“I was worried and thought about going home but everyone made me feel supported and welcome. I felt proud of myself.”

If you, or a young person you care for, has never been to the theatre by themselves before and may benefit from a little extra support for the first time – register your interest in our Assisted Visits.

Register your interest now and we will be in touch when we announce our next trip!

Register your interest below!

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